JULY 1, 2020
Bethel will resume in-person services beginning Wednesday, May 6. It is exciting to be able to once again gather
physically together and worship the Lord! Nevertheless, caution must still be taken. Until further notice, various
measures will be taken as we resume regular services.
Wednesday Kids @ 6:45pm
Wednesday Youth (worship service only) @ 6:00pm
Wednesday Bible Study @ 7:00pm
Sunday Morning
Sunday School: One class in the sanctuary @ 10:00
Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:40
Sunday Night
BTC: One class in the sanctuary @ 5:00
Sunday Night Worship @ 5:40
Commonly touched surfaces will be sanitized before and after each service
There will be two ways of entry into the building (front door and door by pastor’s study)
These doors will remain open until the start of service
There will be a greeter at each entry that will monitor entry and be able to answer any questions
We ask that entry be with consideration of distance between people
We ask that people sit in family groups and space out as best as possible
We understand this cannot be exact due to the availability of space
Children’s Chapel: Canceled until further notice
There will be no nursery worker on duty until further notice
No choir until further notice
No “meet and greet” until further notice
We will not pass the offering plate during service
There will be an offering box located at both entry/exit doors
There will be two ways of exit out of the building (front door and door by pastor’s study)
We ask that each person exit the building directly after service concludes
We ask that exiting be done in an orderly fashion, one row at a time
Direction will be given during services
We ask that physical contact be limited as we encourage distancing
Individual cautionary measures
Bethel will offer hand sanitizer, rubber gloves, and face masks (dependent on availability)
We encourage each person to bring their own hand sanitizer, gloves, and face mask if they desire
Bethel will do her best to take precaution and provide a safe environment for worship. Nonetheless, we
understand that some might be uncomfortable with resuming in-person services. Each person is encouraged to
take the measures they deem best.
Bethel will continue to offer virtual services
Sunday Morning Service
Bethel will temporarily offer live service streaming on Facebook (dependent on technology)
This live stream will be uploaded to YouTube by the following Monday
A DVD copy of the service will be temporarily offered
The DVD copy of service will be delivered on the following Monday
Sunday Night Service
Bethel will temporarily offer live service streaming on Facebook (dependent on technology)
A DVD copy of the service will be temporarily offered
The DVD copy of service will be delivered on the following Monday
Note: Live services will only include the sermon. The live stream will begin at 11:00am on Sunday Morning and at
6:00pm on Sunday Night.
MAY 5, 2020
Bethel will resume in-person services beginning Wednesday, May 6. It is exciting to be able to once again gather physically together and worship the Lord! Nevertheless, caution must still be taken. Until further notice, various measures will be taken as we resume regular services.
Wednesday Kids: Postponed until further notice (ministry will continue via videos on YouTube)
Wednesday Youth (worship service only) @ 6:00pm
Wednesday Bible Study @ 7:00pm
Sunday Morning
Sunday School: Canceled until further notice
Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:40
Sunday Night
BTC: Canceled until further notice
Sunday Night Worship @ 5:40
Commonly touched surfaces will be sanitized before and after each service
There will be two ways of entry into the building (front door and door by pastor’s study)
These doors will remain open until the start of service
There will be a greeter at each entry that will monitor entry and be able to answer any questions
We ask that entry be with consideration of distance between people
We ask that people sit in family groups and space out as best as possible
We understand this cannot be exact due to the availability of space
Children’s Chapel: Canceled until further notice
There will be no nursery worker on duty until further notice
No choir until further notice
No “meet and greet” until further notice
We will not pass the offering plate during service
There will be an offering box located at both entry/exit doors
There will be two ways of exit out of the building (front door and door by pastor’s study)
We ask that each person exit the building directly after service concludes
We ask that exiting be done in an orderly fashion, one row at a time
Direction will be given during services
We ask that physical contact be limited as we encourage “social distancing”
Individual cautionary measures
Bethel will offer hand sanitizer and rubber gloves
Bethel will not offer face masks due to lack of availability
We encourage each person to bring their own hand sanitizer, gloves, and face mask if they desire
Bethel will do her best to take precaution and provide a safe environment for worship. Nonetheless, we understand that some might be uncomfortable with resuming in-person services. Each person is encouraged to take the measures they deem best.
Bethel will continue to offer virtual services
Wednesday Service
Bethel will go live on Facebook on Wednesday, May 6 to serve as a test service for our live platform
This will be the only live service for a Wednesday Service
Transcripts and DVD copies of the service will no longer be available
Sunday Morning Service
Bethel will temporarily offer live service streaming on Facebook (dependent on technology)
This live stream will be uploaded to YouTube on the following Monday
A DVD copy of the service will be temporarily offered
The DVD copy of service will be delivered on the following Monday
Sermon Transcripts will no longer be available
Sunday Night Service
Bethel will temporarily offer live service streaming on Facebook (dependent on technology)
Transcripts and DVD copies of the service will no longer be available
Note: Live services will only include the sermon. The live stream will begin @ 11:00 on Sunday Morning and @ 6:00 on Sunday Night.
MARCH 18, 2020
Bethel Family,
The world is sailing on uncharted waters. There is a great storm named COVID-19 that has caught the world off guard. Its winds are mighty and its waves are beating against the ship. Nevertheless, we know who has the ability to calm this storm, the Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 4:35-41). We are not to fear, for “even the wind and sea obey Him.”
Bethel is sailing on uncharted waters. No answer is simple and no decision is easy. There are many differing philosophies about the COVID-19 situation and how to move forward during it. Nevertheless, a decision has to be made. Bethel will abstain from all scheduled gatherings until further notice. This situation is fluid and ever-changing. As the situation develops further, more information will be known about when and how we will gather as a church family.
This decision has been bathed in extensive prayer, consideration, and wise council from God’s Word and His people. This decision has also been made by taking into consideration the recommendations from local, state, and national authorities that are educated more fully on the matter. One of these recommendations came from our President who has asked for American citizens to limit gatherings to 10 or less people across our nation to limit the spread of the virus.
We must all do our part and work together during this time. We must also consider others more than we consider ourselves, especially when it comes to health. This virus is invisible and much is still unknown about its spread in the state of Arkansas. We do not want to take a risk of endangering the health of anyone. “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:4-5).
Bethel will have alternative channels for service during this time. Services will be streamed live on our Facebook page. Wednesday: Adults @ 7:00 pm and Youth @ 8:00pm. Sunday: Morning Service @ 11:00am and Evening Service @ 6:00pm. These services will also be archived and uploaded to our YouTube channel the following day. The YouTube channel and Facebook page can be accessed from our website: We are also offering a sermon transcript or DVD of service if anyone does not have internet capabilities at home. Please contact Bro. Dillon if you do not have internet capabilities and you would like a transcript of the sermon or a DVD made of any service.
There will be more contact with updates, prayers, and Scripture. Please do not hesitate to contact our church leadership during this time. Bro. Dillon, Bro. Jeremy, Bro. Bud Inman, and Bro. Jerry Fulmer are available for any questions or concerns that you may have. The leadership is available to address any needs at this time, physical or spiritual. Contact information can be found at the end of this response.
We are asking everyone who receives this information to please pass along to your family and those that attend church with you. May Bethel contact and encourage each other often during this time. Though we will be physically apart, we will grow closer together as a church family. Bethel is a strong and loving church. May She continue to thrive. Pray. Read Scripture. Meditate on Scripture. Draw closer to God through this.
If you desire to continually give offerings during this time, please send them to our Treasurer, Jim Richardson. His contact information is at the bottom of this response as well.
Lastly, may we all hide these Words in our heart. “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, Though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.” (Psalm 46:1-3).
Bro. Dillon Miller
Bro. Jeremy Jones
Bro. Bud Inman
Bro. Jerry Fulmer
Bethel Baptist Church
c/o Jim Richardson
9697 N State Highway 109
Magazine, Ar 72943